10th International Conference on PLASMA PHYSICS AND PLASMA TECHNOLOGY (PPPT-10), Minsk, Belarus, 12 - 16 September, 2022
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10th International Conference on PLASMA PHYSICS AND PLASMA TECHNOLOGY (PPPT-10), Minsk, Belarus, 12 - 16 September, 2022

10th International Conference on PLASMA PHYSICS AND PLASMA TECHNOLOGY (PPPT-10), Minsk, Belarus, 12 - 16 September, 2022 Dear Colleagues & Friends,
The Scientific Committee and the Local Organizing Committee are pleased to invite you to the 10th International Conference on PLASMA PHYSICS AND PLASMA TECHNOLOGY (PPPT-10), which will be held in Minsk, Belarus, from 12 to 16 September, 2022
Due to the restrictions imposed by COVID-19, the conference will operate in a hybrid format with both on-site and online presentations. 
The PPPT Conferences take place in Minsk every 3 years since 1994 bringing together the scientists and engineers in plasma physics to discuss the latest research in the field of advanced plasma science from the understanding and modeling the plasma processes up to their applications in different fields. 

The topics of PPPT-10
1. Fundamental physical processes and phenomena in plasmas
2. Electrical discharges and other plasma sources, novel plasma generation approaches
3. Atmospheric pressure plasmas, plasma in and in contact with liquid, plasma-liquid interactions 
4. Non-ideal and dusty plasmas, extreme plasma regimes, fusion and astrophysical plasmas, collective and nonlinear phenomena
5. Laser-plasma interactions with materials, laser ablation, modification of materials, sputtering and deposition 
6. Plasma diagnostics and modeling 
7. Plasma applications and advanced plasma technologies (plasma for nanomaterials synthesis and processing, plasma in medicine and biology, plasma in agriculture, plasma in catalysis, etc
We welcome submissions for both oral and poster contributions.

The first announcement is attached to this email. Please see our website for up-to-date information on PPPT-10 http://ifanbel.bas-net.by/pppt-10/ 

To apply for the Conference you need to register on the Conference website by submitting an abstract (up to 200 words) in English before May 30, 2022. The abstracts will be selected by the Program Committee in accordance with the Conference topics. The decision of the Program Committee along with the 2nd Announcement will be e-mailed to authors not later than June 1, 2022.

The conference proceedings in English (A4 format, max 4 pages) should be submitted to the Organizing Committee not later than June 30, 2022. Detailed instructions on the proceedings preparation will be available on the Conference website: http://ifanbel.bas-net.by/pppt-10/Abstract

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We are looking forward to see you in Minsk in September. 

Best regards,
PPPT-10 Organizing Committee


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