Generation of ultrahigh energy density states of matter and energetic beams of photons and particles in relativistic laser interaction with matter
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Generation of ultrahigh energy density states of matter and energetic beams of photons and particles in relativistic laser interaction with matter


Докладчик(и):  Olga Rosmej (Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung Darmstadt and University of Frankfurt, Germany)
Дата, время проведения:  29.11.2018 г. (четверг) 11-00
Адрес:  Клнф.зал, ул.Красноказарменная, д.17-а

Аннотация: Experiments on the relativistic laser interaction with plane and structured targets aimed on optimization of high energy beams of photons and particles and generation of ultra-high energy density matter with sub-GBar pressure will be discussed.The experiments were performed at the petawatt PHELIX laser at GSI-Darmstadt and at the Ti-Sapphire system JETTI-40 of the University Jena. In order to obtained more complex picture of the physical process, the used experimental set-up included diagnostics for characterization of high energy particle and photon beams as well as methods of x-ray spectroscopy for definition of the bulk plasma parameters. The complexity of physical processes that take place in experiments on the relativistic laser interaction with matter demands a strong theoretical support at all stages of the experiment planning and evaluation of measured data. Detailed 3D-PIC and HD-simulations accounting for specific laser parameters and the experimental geometry were performed by the theoretical group of the JIHT RAS.

Возврат к списку

Generation of ultrahigh energy density states of matter and energetic beams of photons and particles in relativistic laser interaction with matter