Self-diffusion and shear viscosity coefficients of Yukawa fluids (complex plasmas)
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Self-diffusion and shear viscosity coefficients of Yukawa fluids (complex plasmas)


Докладчик(и):  Храпак Сергей Алексеевич, ОИВТ РАН
Дата, время проведения:  24 мая 2018 г. (четверг) 11-00
Адрес:  Клнф.зал, ул.Красноказарменная, д.17-а


Simple practical approaches to describe self-diffusion and viscosity of Yukawa fluids are discussed. They allow estimation of transport coefficients in a very extended range of temperatures, from the melting point up to ~100 times the melting temperature. Good agreement with the available results from molecular dynamics simulations is demonstrated. Some aspects of the temperature dependence of the shear viscosity and diffusion coeffients on approaching the fluid-solid phase transition are discussed.

Возврат к списку

Self-diffusion and shear viscosity coefficients of Yukawa fluids (complex plasmas)