Electromagnetic wave band structure due to surface plasmon resonances in a complex plasma.
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Electromagnetic wave band structure due to surface plasmon resonances in a complex plasma.


Докладчик(и):  Владимиров С.В. (ОИВТ РАН, School of Physics, The University of Sydney, Australia)
Дата, время проведения:  12 мая 2016 г. (четверг) 11:00 часов
Адрес:  конференц-зал КК (ул. Красноказарменная, 17-а).


The dielectric properties of complex plasma containing either metal or dielectric spherical inclusions (macroparticles, dust) are investigated. The focus is on surface plasmon resonances on the macroparticle surfaces and their effect on electromagnetic wave propagation. It is demonstrated that the presence of surface plasmon oscillations significantly modifies plasma electromagnetic properties by resonances and cutoffs in the effective permittivity. This leads to related branches of electromagnetic waves and to the wave band gaps.

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Electromagnetic wave band structure due to surface plasmon resonances in a complex plasma.