Josephson vortex as a logical state of low-dissipative devices
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Josephson vortex as a logical state of low-dissipative devices


Докладчик(и):  СТОЛЯРОВ Василий Сергеевич (МФТИ, ВНИИА им. Н.Л. Духова)
Дата, время проведения:  Среда, 26 июня, 15:00
Адрес:  семинар пройдет в формате видеоконференции

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The ongoing progress of superconducting logic systems with Josephson junctions as base elements requires the development of compatible cryogenic memory. Long enough junctions subject to magnetic field host quantum phase 2π-singularities—Josephson vortices. Here, we report the realization of the superconducting memory cell whose state is encoded by the number of present Josephson vortices. By integrating the junction into a coplanar resonator and by applying a microwave excitation well below the critical current, we are able to control the state of the system in an energy-efficient and non-destructive manner. The memory effect arises due to the presence of the natural edge barrier for Josephson vortices. The performance of the device is evaluated, and the routes for creating scalable cryogenic memories directly compatible with superconducting microwave technologies are discussed. 

О докладчике: Василий Сергеевич СТОЛЯРОВ, д.ф.-м.н., профессор, Директор Центра перспективных методов мезофизики и нанотехнологий (MEZO),
Московский физико-технический институт, 
Руководитель лаборатории сверхпроводящих и квантовых технологий (SQT), Всероссийский научно-исследовательский институт автоматики им. Н.Л. Духова (ФГУП «ВНИИА»)

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Josephson vortex as a logical state of low-dissipative devices