Interdisciplinary Workshop on PLASMA PHYSICS, Madrid (Spain), June 6 - 7 2011
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Interdisciplinary Workshop on PLASMA PHYSICS, Madrid (Spain), June 6 - 7 2011


A celebration of the year of Russia in Spain and
the year of Spain in Russia 2011


Vladimir Fortov
Institute for High Energy Density Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Igor M. Tkachenko

Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

Luis Conde

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Evgeniy Gusakov
Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Carlos Hidalgo
CIEMAT, Madrid

Boris Shustov
Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, co-chair

Ana I. Gómez de Castro

Universidad Complutense de Madrid, co-chair


Plasma physics is an inspiring area of physical research that covers many phenomena; from the involved in the production of energy, to the understanding of the Space environment or the exploration of the Universe. The same non-linear physics and many of the dominant processes are shared by different plasma disciplines.

Magnetic confinement of plasmas is studied in tokamaks but also in  planetary and stellar magnetospheres. The effect of hard UV radiation on matter ionization is studied for RIE  laboratories,  space probes and the photoprocessing of the young planetary disks. Turbulence and instabilities are common to all plasma studies. Dusty plasmas are found in many physical environments.

Plasma physics is also behind some of the major investments in scientific research in the world: prototypes of nuclear fusion devices, Space Telescopes or space missions exploring the Earth environment, the Sun and travelling to the edge of the Solar System.

The current status of research on laboratory, space and astronomical plasmas will be reviewed in an open and relaxed environment appropriate to the celebration of "the year of Russia in Spain and the year of Spain in Russia" 2011.

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