JIHT RASScientific departments of JIHT RAS
Agranat Mikhail B.
Chief researcher
Laboratory 1.2. Femtocenter
Degree: Dr. Area of Expertise (key words): laser, terahertz radiation, femtosecond pulses, hot electrons, metals, semiconductors, cellular structures ![]()
Allahyarov Elshad
Leading researcher
Alkhimova Mariya
Senior researcher
Amirov Ravil H.
Chief researcher
Andreev Nikolay E.
Head of Laboratory
Laboratory 1.3. - theory of the laser-plasma interactions
Title: Prof. Degree: Dr. Area of Expertise (key words): nonlinear plasma electrodynamics ![]()
Apfelbaum Mikhail S.
Senior researcher
Apfelbaum Evgeny M.
Senior researcher
Web Site:
Department: Laboratory 7.2. of thermophysical and kinetic properties of matters Degree: Dr. Area of Expertise (key words): Statistical physics, similarity laws, electroniс transport coefficients, MC simulations, OZ equations (integral equations of the theory of liquids), generalized chemical models, average atom models. ![]()
Atrazhev Vladimir M.
Leading researcher
Below Nikita
Belyaev Ivan A.
Deputy director for science
Directorate, Laboratory 5. of Engineering Thermophysics
Degree: Ph.D. Area of Expertise (key words): MHD, heattransfer, probe techniques, experiment, liquid metal
Bivol Grigoriy Ju.
Senior researcher
Birjukov Dmitriy A.
Senior researcher
Boltnev Roman E.
Senior researcher
Laboratory 17.3. of Active Coulomb Systems
Degree: Ph.D. Area of Expertise (key words): low temperature physics, cryogenic plasma, dusty plasma, optical spectroscopy
Borodina Tatiana
Senior researcher
Laboratory 6.2. of shock-wave effects
Degree: Ph.D. Area of Expertise (key words): X-ray analysis, Kristal structure ![]()
Bocharov Alexey
Head of Department
Department 21. of magnetoplasma aerodynamics, Laboratory 21.1. of numerical simulation of magnetoplasma aerodynamics
Title: Senior researcher Degree: Dr. Area of Expertise (key words): magnetohydrodynamics, plasma arodynamics, computational physics ![]()
Bystrov Nikita Sergeevich
Web Site:
Department: Laboratory 19. of Nonequilibrium Processes Degree: Ph.D. Area of Expertise (key words): shock tubes, shock waves, ARAS, spectroscopy, emission, biofuels, inhibitors, high-temperature oxidation, kinetic mechanisms, quantum-chemical calculations ![]()
Valuev Ilya A.
Senior researcher
Vasiliev Mikhail M.
Deputy director for science
vasilyak Leonid M.
Chief researcher
Veisman Mikhail E.
Senior researcher
Vlaskin Mikhail S.
Head of Laboratory
Gadjiev Makhach H.
Head of Laboratory
Galaktionov Andrey Vladimirovich
Senior researcher
Golovastov Sergey V.
Senior researcher
Golub Victor V.
Head of Laboratory
Dolgoborodov Aleksander Yu.
Head of Laboratory
Drakon Alexander V.
Senior researcher
Web Site:
Department: Laboratory 19. of Nonequilibrium Processes Degree: Ph.D. Area of Expertise (key words): ignition inhibition, soot formation ![]()
D'yachkov Lev G.
Leading researcher
Emelianov Alexander V.
Senior researcher
Web Site:
Department: Laboratory 19. of Nonequilibrium Processes Degree: Ph.D. ![]()
Eremin Alexander Victorovich.
Head of Laboratory
Web Site:
Department: Laboratory 19. of Nonequilibrium Processes Title: Prof. Degree: Dr. Area of Expertise (key words): shock waves, kinetics, nonequilibrium processes, combustion, detonation, nanoparticles
Efremov Vladimir P.
Leading researcher
Zhukhovitskii Dmitry Igorevich
Chief researcher
Zeigarnik Vladimir A.
Senior researcher
Laboratory 6.1. of Pulsed Power Systems for Geophysics
Title: Senior researcher Degree: Dr. ![]()
Zelener Boris V.
Leading researcher
Zelener B.B.
Head of Laboratory
Leading researcher
Iosilevskiy Igor L.
Chief researcher
Web Site:
Department: Laboratory 1.5. for Extreme Energy Impacts Title: Senior researcher Degree: Dr.
Karabulin Alexander V.
Senior researcher
Kiverin Alexey D.
Scientific secretary
Kislenko Sergey А.
Head of Laboratory
Web Site:
Department: Laboratory 9.1. of electrochemical Energy Degree: Ph.D. ![]()
Kislenko Vitaliy A.
Web Site:
Department: Laboratory 9.1. of electrochemical Energy Area of Expertise (key words): MD/MM simulation, defect chemistry in solids, surface segregation, diffusion * included units that have websites are marked by a red-letter
* included units that have additional information are marked by a green-letter