Joint Meeting of Plasma Physics Collaboration at FAIR and 8th International Workshop on Plasma Physics with Intense Laser and Heavy Ion Beams (PP@FAIR & WLIB 2016), December 9, 2016, Moscow![]() It is pleasure for me to inform you that the Joint Institute for High Temperatures RAS (Moscow), the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung (Darmstadt), the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (Darmstadt) and the Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics RAS (Chernogolovka) are organizing the Joint Meeting of Plasma Physics Collaboration at FAIR and 8th International Workshop on Plasma Physics with Intense Laser and Heavy Ion Beams (PP@FAIR & WLIB 2016). The meeting will take place on Friday, December 9, 2016, at the Joint Institute for High Temperatures RAS, Krasnokazarmennaya 17a, Moscow, Russia. Organizing committee: V.E. Fortov (chair), A.A. Golubev (co-chair), D.H.H. Hoffmann (co-chair), N.E. Andreev, K.V. Khishchenko, P.R. Levashov, V.B. Mintsev, O.N. Rosmej and B.Yu. Sharkov. The meeting is aimed into discussions among Russian part of the Plasma Physics Collaboration at FAIR of the current organizational and scientific topics and it will be focused on - Results of evaluation of the Plasma Physics Program by FAIR-council on 15-16.11.2016; - Discussion on status of Phase0 and Phase1 experimental program; - Important steps, which have to be done by Collaboration in preparation of forthcoming experiments; - Plasma physics experimental area: Technical design reports "Target chamber" and "Beam line"; - Discussion of the proposed Plasma Physics @FAIR Collaboration structure and bylaws. The meeting is focused on the research of heavy-ion and laser beams interactions with matter, in particular the creation and exploration of matter at extreme conditions at the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR). The main topics of the meeting include - Fundamentals of heavy-ion and laser interaction with plasma: Status of high-energy-density research; - HED-research with upgraded SIS18 and SIS100 in 2018–2022; - Joint FAIR-relevant experiments 2017–2018 at the PHELIX-laser, GSI. The first announcement can be found at http://www.ihed.ras.ru/wlib2016/main/PP@FAIR_&_WLIB_2016_First_Announcement_v2.pdf The meeting website is opened at http://www.ihed.ras.ru/PP@FAIR&wlib2016/ Please confirm your intention to participate in the meeting by filling out the pre-registration form on the website, http://www.ihed.ras.ru/wlib2016/contribution/, by December 5, 2016. On behalf of the organizing committee, Konstantin V. Khishchenko |