The Seventh International EMMI Workshop on Plasma Physics with Intense Heavy Ion and Laser Beams at FAIR, December 9-10, 2014, Moscow, Russia
Dear colleagues,
It is pleasure for me to inform you that the Joint Institute for High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Sciences (JIHT RAS), Moscow, the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung (GSI), Darmstadt, and the Extreme Matter Institute (EMMI) are organizing the Seventh International EMMI Workshop on Plasma Physics with Intense Heavy Ion and Laser Beams at FAIR (WLIB2014). The workshop will take place on December 9–10, 2014, at Presidium RAS, Leninsky Avenue 32a, Moscow, Russia. This workshop is a continuation of serial meetings within the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding between GSI, EMMI and JIHT RAS for cooperation in the investigation of hot and dense plasmas and in the development for accelerator and laser based plasma physics in GSI and JIHT RAS, signed in November 2008. The workshop is focused on the research field of intense heavy-ion and laser beams interaction with matter, in particular the creation and exploration of matter at extreme conditions at the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR). Organizing committee: V.E. Fortov (chair), D.H.H. Hoffmann (co-chair), T. Stoehlker (co-chair), N.E. Andreev, R. Bock, A.A. Golubev, K.V. Khishchenko (local-chair), T. Kuehl, P.R. Levashov, V.B. Mintsev, O.N. Rosmej, B.Yu. Sharkov. The main topics of the workshop include: 1. Fundamentals of heavy-ion and laser interaction with plasma: Status of high-energy-density research. 2. Day one experiments with first heavy ion beam parameters at FAIR 2018–2022: Fundamental physics of extreme states of matter and diagnostics of relevant processes. 3. Plasma physics experimental area: Review of technical design reports. 4. Joint FAIR-relevant experiments 2015–2018 at the PHELIX-laser, GSI. The first announcement can be found at http://www.ihed.ras.ru/wl The workshop website is opened at http://www.ihed.ras.ru/wl We would greatly appreciate your participation in the workshop. Please confirm your intention to participate in the workshop filling out the pre-registration form on the workshop website and submit your presentation abstract via the same website, http://www.ihed.ras.ru/wl With best regards, Konstantin V. Khishchenko |